I was moved by the broad cast of the hope of America on Byu TV.
I was wondering if I would be a patriot that fought against taxation without representation,

or assisted in in the underground railroad or, 
respected the original care takers of the soil, we live on, 
Or walked arm in arm in the march for equal rights with the voice of Martin Luther king int the background.

Would I treat all people equally? I didn’t have to think for a split second. Yes I would! It is something in my core, my soul want to fight for the right of freedom, equality, and liberty. I free I blessed to be born on free soil. I can not help but think of all that has been sacrificed that has been made for the privilege the I profit for today. What Freedoms do we fight for today? I believe many have forgotten these sacrifices, especially the right to vote more importantly womens’ right to vote. I believe as my duty the pride and that equality belongs to everyone of every size shape and color. We are not born with prejudice, it is taught. I believe that the love for freedom and equality is nurtured by our parents. I am grateful that my mother to love and accept all, and I only hope That I will be able to do the same for my daughter.